# info@crystallizationsummit.com

Technical Program

October 5-6, 2023 | Newark, NJ, USA

Session 1: Enabling greener DS synthetic routes
     Host: Dr. Mark Cameron, J-Star
  • Enabling efficient synthetic route selection by robust purification in crystallization
         Dr. Fredrik Nordstrom, BI
  • Enabling Green Synthetic Innovations at Merck: Three Examples of Leveraging the Unique Physical Properties of the Solid Phase to Accelerate and Implement Greener Chemical Processes
         Dr. Scott Shulze, Merck
  • Development of a scalable atroposelective process to MRTX1719-an inhibitor of the PRMT5•MTA complex
         Dr. Chengyi Chen, Mirati
         Dr. Samir Kulkani, Pfizer
  • Session 2: Enabling desired DS quality attributes
         Host: Dr. Chonghui Gu, Foghorn
  • Virtual Polymorph Screening and Targeted Crystallization Powered by in silico Solid-state Modeling
         Dr. Dedong Wu , AstraZeneca
  • Absolute configuration determination of small molecules with X-ray and electron diffraction
         Dr. Bo Wang, Biogen
         Prof. Rajesh Dave, NJIT
  • Drug Substance Physical Property Control in the Process of Crystallization
         Dr. Haitao Zhang, Sumitomo
  • Session 3: Enabling improved DP performance
         Host: Prof. Rajesh Dave, NJIT
  • Enabling Drug Product Performance via Amorphous Solid Dispersion Technique
         Dr. Samuel Kyeremateng, Abbvie
         Dr. Ashish Punia , Merck
  • Stabilization of Amorphous Drugs by Polymers: The Role of C*
         Prof. Ronald Siegel, UMN
         Prof. Calvin Sun, UMN
  • Panel Discussions
  • Topic 1: Crystallization challenges and dream solutions supporting synthetic route optimization
         Dr. Chengyi Chen , Mirati
  • Topic 2: API isolation challenges and better solutions to ensure robust production
         Prof. Aaron Moment ,
  • Topic 3: Addressing formulation challenges via particle engineering and co-processing
         Prof. Calvin Sun , UMN
  • Poster Session
  • Topic 1:
  • Topic 2:
  • Topic 3:
  • Lab Tour: Integrated DS-DP Development
    SPEAKERS (more to be confirmed)
        Dr. Cheng Yi Chen, Mirati Therapeutics
        Prof. Rajesh Dave, New Jersey Institute of Technology
        Dr. Samir Kulkarni, Pfizer
        Dr. Samuel Kyeremateng, AbbVie
        Dr. Ashish Punia, Merck & Co.
        Dr. Scott Shultz, Merck & Co.
        Prof. Ronald Siegel, University of Minnesota
        Prof. Calvin Sun, University of Minnesota
        Dr. Bo Wang, Biogen
        Dr. Dedong Wu, AstraZeneca
        Dr. Haitao Zhang, Sumitomo Pharma America
    SPONSORS (more to be confirmed)
        Porton Pharma Solutions
        Center for Integrated Material Science and Engineering of Pharmaceutical Products (SIMSEPP)
        Center for Pharma Crystallization / Porton
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