A Glance at 2024 Pharma Crystallization Summit
DEIR statement
The Pharma Crystallization Summit is committed to the principles of DEIR (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect) in supporting and enhancing the professional community of pharmaceutical scientists and engineers working in crystallization and related solid-state technologies.
We seek to foster an open, learning, and supportive environment for all participants and promote respect in all personal interactions
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The Pharma Crystallization Summit (PCS) is held annually to bring together developers of new medicines with crystallization challenges and the crystallization experts (solution providers) in the industry and academia. PCS programs are designed to stimulate in-depth discussions on common and/or leading bottleneck issues related to crystallization of drug substance (DS) as well as the intermediates, the technologies and solutions that are available or underdevelopment. The discussions help new medicine developers to make educated and phase-appropriate decisions, and crystallization experts to understand better the critical needs for providing effective solutions.